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This is why you need a morning ritual

Good Morning World!

 Photo by Jon Flobrant Unsplash
Photo by Guilherme Stecanella Unsplash

I’ve learned over the years why morning rituals are so important and remain crucial for me to stay on top of my game. I have been doing the same ritual for about 3 years now and the increase I’ve experienced makes me wish I had adopted this routine earlier in my life. I’m telling you, everyone needs a morning ritual, it sets the tone for your entire day. Even the most successful people have morning rituals of some kind, here’s mine.

I start my day with prayer and meditation

I roll right out of bed, fall on my knees, and pray. Sometimes I’m half asleep, but I still do it. Next, I meditate for about 10 minutes using the Calm app that provides daily meditations and nature sounds. I highly recommend giving this app a try I have been using it for about 3 years now and it’s proven it’s worth time and time again. After prayer and meditation, I down a glass of water. Lastly, I work out. After my workout, I try to either make a protein shake or cook a healthy breakfast, usually egg whites, avocado, and quinoa.

What happened when I stopped

This was my routine for the past 3 years until I started a new job where my schedule changed from me sleeping in till 9 am to waking up at around 5:30 ouch! When that dramatic change happened things completely changed for me. I started skipping prayer, I completely stopped meditating, and my morning workouts turned into evening workouts which I found hard to commit to.

This sort of thing happens a lot when you experience abrupt changes, new job, new schedule, it all happened so fast. When I stopped my routine, it hit me. I was completely off my game. I was always so anxious. I was very stressed, complained more, wasn’t thinking clearly, and my anxiety kept me from experiencing anything positive. However, I wasn’t going to let this last too long so I slowly eased back into my routine.

What I noticed

For now, I still don’t work out in the mornings because I found myself rushing, and I hate rushing anywhere. I definitely noticed a difference when I started meditating again. My awareness increased and I was a lot calmer. When I committed to praying again, I worried less, felt uplifted, and got to experience the profound effect prayer has on my circumstances.

The bottom line is what you do first thing in the morning sets the foundation for your whole day. How do you want to feel? Do you have a morning ritual? If so what does it consist of? I don’t know a single person in this world who wouldn’t benefit from a morning ritual in some way.

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