Be Inspired!, Fitness

Think and grow fit: How I applied the principals in “Think and grow rich” to Fitness

Think and grow rich, a book I am really late in my life reading. I don’t think I’ve read a book yet that has given such a clear-cut plan of just “follow these steps, do this exactly like this and you’ll be a millionaire.” Really? He makes it sound so easy but it really is.

If you think about it everything starts with your mindset and I often see #mindset trending on IG but I wonder if people really understand what that means?  With a strong positive mindset, you can do anything but what must be understood is that you have to train your mind just like you train your body if not more so. It all starts with chapter 2.

Chapter 2 Desire: 6 ways to turn desires into gold

Outlines how you can transform what you desire (your thoughts) into actual tangible results. So I said to myself hmm what if I applied these principles to achieve my fitness goals?

First:  Fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire

 Fix in your mind the exact amount of weight or inches you want to lose. I want to lose exactly 10 lbs in 30 days-straight like that.

Second: Determine exactly what you tend to give in return for the money you desire
Photo by Toa Heftiba: Unsplash

There is no such reality as something for nothing. What effort do I intend to put forth to get the results I want? I plan to work out every day, drink at least 4 bottled waters a day in addition to tea ( no honey) utilize my fitness pal app and Fitbit to track my progress, and limit myself to one cheat meal (not cheat day) a week. Oh and a big one for me is no Starbucks!

Third: Establish a definite date for when you intend to possess the money you desire.

Establish a definite date of when you plan to meet your fitness or nutritional goals. My date is April 30th, 2018.

Fourth: Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire, and begin at once, whether you’re ready or not.
Photo by Jess Bailey: Unsplash

Create a definite fitness and nutrition plan and follow it the best you can regardless of what comes up in your life. Maybe you have a very disruptive lifestyle like having to travel a lot and have an unconventional schedule, just begin somewhere no matter what or when. 

Fifth: Write out a clear concise statement of the amount of money you plan to acquire and state what you intend to give in return for the money.

Write out a clear statement of how you plan to reach your fitness goals and lay out the amount of time it’ll take to reach them trying to be as specific as possible. My statement goes something like this: I plan to lose 10lbs by April 1st by weight training and cardio, limiting sugar to at least 35 grams a day, and drinking no less than 60 oz of water a day. My statement couldn’t be clearer. 

Sixth: Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once just before you go to bed and once after rising in the morning.
Photo by Jonathan Borba: Unsplash

See and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money. I do this every day it does work! “I WILL lose 10lbs by April 1st and you can bet on it!” I am already getting close 🙂

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