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Organic Beauty brands you should be following on Instagram

Ori bee

Honey Body & Hair Balm

Love this brand! Eco-friendly and plant-based Ori-bee has quickly become one of my favorite bath & body companies. They offer a unique variety of bath and beauty products for men and women such as natural soaps, essential oils, and clay masks all made to order! They even have specialized products for men like this beard grooming set which has gotten great reviews and a product I think would make a fabulous gift idea for your hubby or significant other 🙂 I also love supporting small companies especially those that are created

beard grooming kit

and run by husband and wife teams who handcraft all their products. Some of the other products Ori Bee offers are body scrubs, natural deodorants, and honey made balms all handmade and all natural ingredients. They even sell their own specialty herbs called Ori bee herbs making this truly a one stop shop 🙂 Ori bee is owned and operated out of Columbus, Ohio but can ship pretty much anywhere. Visit their Etsy store I’m sure you’ll become a repeat customer 😉


organic laundry detergent and essential oils

Created by Latisha the creator of the blushingblack lifestyle and blog, chamomileandcashmere is a promotional page and cute offshoot of this blogger’s obsession with essential oils essential oils and if you follow Latisha’s blog you probably know this already. She also writes the best captions so you get a real sense of her down to earth personality and how essential oils and other organic products have really changed her life. The content is very attractive, certainly complements her brand and you learn a lot about organic living. I must say, she has me convinced.


unicorn cupcake bath bomb

Based in the UK, I swear bathcandyuk is one of the cutest most delicious accounts I follow. Their feed is packed with unique handmade bath bombs that look like cupcakes and unicorn colored body scrubs yum! When I first came upon this I thought it was a bakery I got really excited lol. All of their products are handmade and include bath bombs, body scrubs, shower gellies, lip scrubs and other goodies. I promise you won’t get enough of scrolling through their feed 😉


handmade nail polish

This one is an interesting one as their specialty is handmade nail polish, something you don’t see often. They have a lot of videos on their page that show how they make their polish which I think is really cool. I love accounts like veganbeautycosmetics that put in the amount of effort to show their process is really inspiring. I also really love the colors they use and they make very creative bath bombs too.


health and beauty overload

Relaxbehealthy is family owned and operated and run with the assistance of certified health coach and herbalist this page gives me a lot of life. They have an impressive catalog of health and wellness products and you can really tell that its ran by a certified health coach. Some of their products include superfood herbs, organic beauty supplements, body butters, and essential oil sprays. Lucky you if you are able to visit their store in Staten island they have so much more to offer in person!



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