Be Inspired!, Inspiration, Tips for Aspiring Writers

Why I started my own blog

A writer is a writer….

I have been writing since childhood, short stories, poems, and I wrote my own book when I was about 9 years old. Blogging which came as no surprise to anyone kinda just came naturally after writing for over ten years. Most people who are close to me know that I’ve always wanted to be a songwriter hands down! If I was granted one wish it wouldn’t be money it would be for me to land a writing contract with a big record company! Writing has always been very natural to me and just came out in many forms. A writer is a writer, right?

Privacy is everything…right?

My writing skills have gotten better over the years but I never really wanted people to see it or see my writing process. Going to grad school played a huge part in perfecting my skills but an even bigger part in exposing my insecurities. It was presentation after presentation and having to constantly talk about what you were doing was enough to make me want to quit but, I persevered.  Blogging also scares me a little but I’m always doing things that scare me so why not do what I love. The scary part is I’ve always been an incredibly private person and when you blog you pretty much are putting yourself out there. I never thought about that until I started this and realized “Oh I think I might want people to read this.” lol 😀 I also like to help people by giving them information that can add to their lives. Essentially I want to add to a person’s life.


Let me share a moment with you if you don’t mind….

I was in bible study one Wednesday evening and an older gentleman was sitting next to me. I had seen him around and he would always just nod and smile at me but we didn’t know each other. “Are you a writer?” He asked. “I’m sorry?” I said wanting him to repeat. “Are you a writer, are you writing something?” Again this man knew nothing about me especially a very private detail like that. I won’t even go into the details of how he knew I was a writer… I’ll let you figure that out on your own 🙂



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