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Foods that keep you beautiful

Beautiful manageable hair, flawless skin, and a toned physique are what most of us (let’s face it all of us! lol) are after these days. But just drinking water, working out, and avoiding greasy foods are not going to cut it. You need to eat foods that you will benefit from. To put it plainly…you need to eat foods that will actually do stuff for you 😉

Heres a list breaks down some of the foods in detail


Was ranked number one in antioxidant activity by the U.S. Department of Agriculture

Skin-helps protect from premature aging. Some people use them to make a face mask.

Hair-Rich in vitamin C and helps feed hair follicles.

Body-Helps Extremely rich in fiber and full of water…causing you to stay fuller longer. Blueberries also fight bloating, promotes healthy digestion and a healthy heart, AND fights and prevent cancer! Yeah…These will be eaten every day!



A must-have in any weight loss routine, super-rich in fiber!
Skin Also rich in vitamin C, helps prevent skin cancer

Body– Packed with vitamins and fiber (so great for the bathroom:) Also has particularly high levels of antioxidants and helps lower your blood pressure.


Designed by Freepik Offers nearly 20 vitamins and minerals, more potassium than bananas

Skin- Tons of benefits for the skin including reducing wrinkles by using as a face mask, used to treat various skin conditions, and can also be used as a natural sunscreen. Whether eaten or applied physically Avocado is one of the best skin nourishers around to help maintain a healthy glow.

Hair- Can be used to treat dry scalp, as dandruff treatments, and as a hair mask.

Body- Great source of B vitamins which helps fight infections and natural plant chemicals that may prevent cancer. They are loaded with fiber which is good because they help you feel full longer but please eat in moderation avocados are high in monounsaturated (good fat) but you still don’t want to overdo it.


Tons of benefits from preventing diabetes to reducing risk of heart disease, this one should be taken into consideration

Skin-Packed with Vitamin E, Defends against sun damage.

Hair-Eat these regularly, Almonds are rich in vitamin E and magnesium which is essential for hair growth. It’s recommended to eat at least 1/4th of a cup a day to promote long healthy hair.

Body– Outstanding for any diet or just a snack mixed with raisins or berries. If eaten on a regular basis, they can help prevent weight gain-AGAIN Helps prevent weight gain lol had to say that twice.


Very important fruit! Eat an apple every day my favorites are pink lady apples which are a bit on the sweeter side

Skin– Has antioxidants in the peel that protects against sun damage.

Hair-Promotes hair growth if eaten once or twice daily due to its richness and antioxidants and richness in other nutrients.

Body– It’s true what they say about an apple a day! Between this and blueberries, has to be hands down the healthiest fruit on this earth. Apples make you feel fuller longer so they can supplement as a great snack. Can be used to fight everything from cancer, even preventing lung cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.Very rich in fiber so it promotes healthy digestion and combats constipation and water weight gain-(both can be a huge roadblock in any diet) Eat apples and blueberries if you’re having problems using the bathroom.


Skin-Filled with vitamin A which can help prevent the overproduction of skin cells helping to prevent skin cancer. It also helps with clogged pores.

Hair–  For best results start juicing them. Carrots can be juiced and combined with various oils such as olive oil and vitamin E oil as a great conditioner. According to several sources, they can also potentially prevent hair loss and dryness.

Body– This dense vegetable does wonders for your body and is also best known for adding bulk to your stool. Eat them raw or juice for best results!

       Coconut Oil

Skin– Provides sun protection, softens and conditions skin, and fights bacteria. Also great at preventing breakouts!

Hair-This is a must have in your hair regime especially in the summer! I usually mix it in with my regular conditioner and the results are amazing! Some studies have shown coconut oil as having the ability to absorb deeply into the hair shaft preventing breakage and repairing and conditioning the hair. I certainly don’t need a study to tell me that!

Body– Virgin coconut oil can help increase the body’s metabolic rate by removing stress on the pancreas allowing you to burn more energy. Coconut oil is commonly used as a cooking regime on tropical islands, which is why you rarely see overweight or obese people in tropical places…..Just saying…



Skin-Rich in folate which can reduce the risk of skin cancer and like most green leafy vegetables, rich in vitamin k which can prevent varicose veins.

Hair-High in vitamin A, which helps produce sebum a scalp oil that works as a natural hair conditioner. Eating more green veggies helps with dry hair.

Body– A must have in your diet period! The list of benefits is as follows: High in fiber and water to promote regularity, promotes bone health, helps prevent cancer, lowers blood pressure, and has a high iron content to help your body use energy.



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